Tuesday 30 April 2013

DOBU: The Infinite Issue #3

So this issue will again be a departure from the previous, as this will be a "choose-your-own-adventure-style" comic, where you get to DOBU's path through the story. I have always wanted to make an interactive story ever since I read "Space and Beyond" by R.A. Montgomery although I can't remember anything about the book, but the idea of choosing the destiny of the hero was something I liked and stuck with me. I will be making the DOBU comic very post-modern, blending modern role-play, video games with the comic book format.

The other very striking difference will be the action nature of the comic. I recently came across Marvel's Tales to Astonish Issue #100 in a comic shop you can check out the cover here. On the cover it features the words "AN EPIC-LENGTH 22-PAGE BATTLE" between HULK and the Sub-Mariner, it doesn't, although the whole issue is based around the fight, it falls quite far short of this, so I thought it would be funny for DOBU to have a "AN EPIC-LENGTH 22-PAGE BATTLE". Even though it is impossible to as the choices you make may lengthen or shorten that battle. There will technically be 22-pages of battle, however you probably wont' ever get that exact number.

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