Thursday 11 April 2013

A Change in View

Well I am pleased to say DOBU: The Infinite Issue #1 is done, well the first stage of the artwork is anyway. I am just neatening it all up at the moment, editing the hand-drawn scans and colouring it. I am very pleased with it and it has all come together much quicker than expected but I don't want to rush it so I am trying out a few different image techniques to find the best one. I am doing this as the storyline drastically changes in ISSUE #2 and it requires a lot of severe straight lines which don't look quite right in the hand drawn versions.

Final "Outlined" Art
Original "Inverted" Art
Original "Outlined" Art

So I still believe DOBU: Issue #1 will be done by the end of the month which is pretty good going, as I have had to learn how to make a comic as well as actually make one. So below is the Original and Vectorized cover there isn't much difference between the two except obviously the smoothness of the image. It is still rough I just wanted to share it with you.

That is all from now, I am sure there will be more news soon. Below is just a version I like due to it's minimal colours don't know if I'll use it but I do like it.

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