Sunday 7 April 2013

Half-way there, Already!

I think it is fair to say that I have been working non-stop on Issue #1 of DOBU: The Infinite and it has really paid off being totally submersed in this weird and wonderful world. The art has gotten better I have gotten faster and I am now 12 out of 24 pages through the first issue.

It is really strange my "drawing table" contraption has literally taken the space usually reserved for my Macbook Pro, I have gone from being virtually digital to analogue in just a few days. I have drawn so much I ran out of ink and had to venture out to buy more inking pens. If you would have told me a few weeks ago I would be standing in a shop deliberating over the benefits of a 0.3mm over a 0.5mm I would not have believed you, anyway I went with the 0.3mm.

Issue #1 Intergalactic Daydream
That is it for now I don't want to give too much away and I really must get back to it, I am very excited about this new and very different project.

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