Saturday 13 April 2013

Keeping Up the Pace

Very pleased to announce that DOBU ISSUE #1 is available in .pdf format from Gumroad here you can also buy it in the sidebar to the right for $2.00. I am very pleased with it and hope you will be too. I will also make it available in my preferred .cbr and .cbz format as soon as I can make reliable versions that work across multiple computers.

Right beside me as I type this is the mock-up version on ISSUE #2 (I stapled several pages together to make a little comic book with the storyboard in it). Although it is very rough, it manages to illustrate the hyper-complex narrative which splits in to three streams to play out three simultaneous stories. Despite its simple beginnings in ISSUE #1 DOBU gets very complex very quickly, ISSUE #2 contrasts ISSUE#1 nicely in that respect.

It will be interesting to see how DOBU #2 takes shape, as I have 1) now had experience making a comic 2) have a much clearer idea of this story and how to tell it than I did for the first one and 3) know pretty much exactly what images I want for each panel now that I have sketched them out. I wonder what I will learn while making ISSUE #2 and how it will impact on the rest of the comics.

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